Guidance and market information

Get up-to-the-minute information on the latest market trends and proactive, tailored support from our trading room. 

Our risk team studies with you the nature of your flows in order to offer you flexible and tailor-made solutions for your currency hedging.

Guidance and market information

The currency market is not one where you can easily read the short, medium and long-term trends.

To address this issue common to all treasurers and CFOs, we have centralised in our trading room all the tools you need to manage your foreign exchange risk.

You can contact our advisors at any time to find out the latest market trends and together work out the best currency risk hedging strategies for your currency purchases or sales. 

I appreciate the attractive hedging rates and the support in positioning on certain currencies. 
Alain B.
Very good service, serious and professional. I appreciate the responsiveness, availability and sound advice. 
Sébastien L.
The trading room is easily accessible and advises us on any opportunities to be seized. 
Lucie L.

Strong points

A dedicated contact person, available five days a week from 8:30am to 8pm

Support and advisory in setting up currency hedges

Macro-economic information, trends, key levels, etc.

Weekly newsletter with FX markets inputs

Help tools in the choice of hedging strategies

A proactive team that tells you when good market opportunities come up